Curator: The Blue Trunk
Artist: Unknown
Medium: Hand carving on wood
Size: 5.5x11x11.8in / 14x28x30cm
Weight: 480gms
This exquisite vintage collectible is a "Kirtimukha" that originally formed part of of large wooden prabhavali. The piece is carved in great detail with intricate work all over the piece. The artifact is over 70 years old and is in great condition for its age. The piece was sourced from Karnataka and is mounted on a cast iron base to enable table top display.
The word mukha in Sanskrit refers to the face while kīrti means "fame, glory". Kirtimukha has its origin in a legend from the Skanda Purana when an all-devouring monster created from Shiva's third eye willingly ate his body starting by its tail as per Lord Shiva's order, who pleased with the result gave it the name face of glory. The Kirtimukha is often used as a decorative motif surmounting the pinnacle of a temple or the image of a deity, especially in South Indian architecture. This monstrous face with bulging eyes sits also as an embellishment over the lintel of the gate to the inner sanctum in many Hindu temples signifying the reabsorption that marks the entry into the temple. Mostly it is only a face, although in some places its arms are portrayed as well
Note: There may be slight variations in size, weight and colour from the photograph and details provided. Vintage pieces may show signs of wear and tear and discolouration owing to their age
Care instructions: Wipe the piece with a soft, dry cloth. Do not expose it to direct sunlight, dampness, heat or cold.
Framed art may be shipped in unframed form to destinations outside India.
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